Philosophy Now is a newsstand magazine for everyone interested in ideas. It aims to corrupt innocent citizens by convincing them that philosophy can be exciting, worthwhile and comprehensible, and also to provide some light and enjoyable reading matter for those already ensnared by the muse, such as philosophy students and academics.
Philosophy Now appears every two months. It contains articles on all aspects of Western philosophy, as well as book reviews, letters, news, cartoons, and the occasional short story.
Since its small-scale launch in Britain in 1991, Philosophy Now has grown to become the most widely-read philosophy periodical in the English language. It is available from bookstores and newsstands throughout Britain, the USA, Canada and Australia.
Rick Lewis started Philosophy Now in 1991 and has been Editor ever since. Rick took his first degree at UMIST in Manchester, and later an MA at the University of York.
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DETERMINISMDeterminism is the philosophical view that all events in the universe, including human decisions and actions, are causally inevitable. That is to say, that a cause has an effect to the extent that everything that currently exists, now as it is, is a result of causality, including every choice any human ever made. This means humans do not have 'free will', our freedom of choice is an illusion and the current state of reality right now since the big-bang, is what was only ever going to be (the current state).
FREE WILL COMPATIBILISMCompatibilism is the belief that free will and determinism are mutually compatible and that it is possible to believe in both without being logically inconsistent. That the universe is deterministic but human conscious minds have free will within the determined universe.
BOONY'S ROOM: A thought experiment devised by Androcies to consider Determinism and Free Will/Compatibilism.. Two identical copies of cricketer David BoonDavid Boon MBE (born 29 December 1960) is an Australian cricket match referee, former cricket commentator and international cricketer whose international playing career spanned the years 1984–1996. Known for his portly figure and distinctive moustache, Boon scored more than 7,000 runs at Test level, and made more than 100 appearances for both the Test and One Day International Australian side.
were made unbeknownst to him, in an instant!
What happens next?
Do they both, at the same time, ask the exact same question of each other?
Do they end up arguing because they both keep attempting to interject at precisely the same time with precisely the same dialogue?
If you wish to see a debate upon Philosophy Now Forum, regarding the above thought experiment - click the link:
Boony's Room - a contemplation of Free Will & Determinism