Alien by Androcies Digital God by Androcies

My poems arn't particulary formally structured, thus borderline prose I spose!

In some poems I attempt to get my point across regarding the quirks within the English language where logical connections are so commonplace in key words that to consider so many such occurrences as random mutations within natural language etymology is, well, ludicrous.
Please read and share my philosophical argument with evidence, that an overarching intelligence operating throughout all of our perceivable reality (REAL_IT_Y) must
have caused these key words to be in their current state, linguistically, phonetically and structurally.

[link to Divine Language Argument]


Should the stars reflect the anti-matter of time...?
such that now I can see them and feel the caress of a distant warmth,
and shudder from the cold of some colossal nothing.
I embrace the ambience of distant vibrations in the aether,
that allow me to reflect its own existence,
which is all that I am and
as insignificant as I am,
somehow my reflection contributes
some importance,
thus to constitute and command
its own existence...
to it?
whatever it
the anti-universe of something
that is not quite nothing.

ASHES TO LACES (cyberpunk)

Along the streets
I feel
the scanners, cameras
they peel
me and my liberty
baseball bat
to technology
sets me free
for another ten
crouch down
do up my
looking back I see them
following me
they want what's in my
they'll scan me,
slit my throat and I'm
they'll have what was mine
ripped warm
from my mind
now turned to cold
ill rot back down
to the core
and the system will
take me back,
back to the
ready to repeat
I'll be back on
my feet
walking the paces
one day
to crouch down
do up my laces.


This star it shines upon
where it glistens still
where it feeds the soul a quest
to fulfil.
Enter the Test where the sol ent'ers
little child to question Wight.
Itchen to know this little mind
dispensed upon the earth rather blind.
Running through the chaos of time
knocked down and placed well out of line.
From here the child sees much more than they
and reluctant to return to their ridiculous fray.
So here it remains
here to stay
Well, let's take a punt
Cos it's shallow here
And the hEart of us
cares not.


Cockney Twang



Wispy willows

grace her lines

fresh water trickles

soothes the mind.

A silver lining

her edges green

for rolling fields

of beauty pristine

My England


Where the tick
never makes a tock
where time is as
as a clock
and again I say
a photon
let it release
from this stagnation
of weight
see its mass
oh wait
oh that's time
some mass
a church
it has Mass?
They C the light?
Why am I down
this rabbit hole?
I look up at Alice
and All I C is Energy
but eventually
Will she?
See me?
Missed her!
Did I?
Did die?
The soul now gone
the light no longer shone
the sage in retreat
the God did defeat
me and my sage
the one that knew me
and her
before this age
my apologies to him
there is no song
and no hymn
for what he knew
of our past life
now through
and threw
by me
I misunderstood
where I stood above
too arrogant
to be under


Time speaks to me
like a restless man
of too many thoughts
thoughts that are fraught
with knowing too much
and so little
I take my time
it abides by me
as I sip on the essence
of lost memory
it keeps me warm
and I get pittance
to labour on
time's piss ant pawn
Is time a man?
We know it not
events occurring
flicker here
flicker there
missed her
Mr who?
I like you,
we did both, you and I
did and our soul did
in our youth, masters we were
but now sent adrift
seeking the shore
and I ashore you not
this shipwright's knot
let's caulk the seams
for we will sink
with our dreams
to fathom below
deeper we'll go
into the fathoms
darker still
where light retreats
and glazes our gleam
blinding us again
the time
the light
that emits
no more
the mass
the priest
the chalice
bedded now
into a


Two days of reckoning
I have felt
was it God's consciousness
that then I was dealt?
Feeling the chaos
the synapses switching
the heat of the Sun
and I'm just a son
why upon me
why should I see
the sea of the ocean
is in complete retreat
all of my knowledge
force fed to my pledge
my toes curling
over my soles near edge
the furnace burning
upon each thought is fraught
with the insatiable knowing
from which I was taught
for what I did
I must pay
too late to pray
I am the universe's prey
each thought twisted
upon itself
and I feel my flesh
no longer my self
but what does it matter
that is all I am
is my soul an ION
am I the ram
the beast
now fleeced
what did I pose
to this
far too many
a bliss amiss
don't eat from the tree
or suck it and see
you'll be the sap
fool into its trap
where is my Christ
He doesn't help mice
that look down and wander
attempt to look up
and wonder


A cement heart am I?
throwing roses should nature yet die
feeling lost upon fists I cry
and nothing to hope beyond life
This unnatural reflection of skin
I feel more to animal akin
A savage of streets I feel
My honour my life they peel
With words I do fight with a sword
And bow to the wisdom of my Lord
To take heed his countenance within
for He is reason and just ice.
Stagnant time.
They'll have theirs
and I'll have mine.

You can hear the celestial laughs...


Did you know that light
is not always bright?
It comes in frequencies
to delight
Radio, x-ray, infra
but a few
We know little of His hue
Take an atom
cut it down
proton, electron, neutron
a little more
quarks, muons, gluons
further you say
as far as time and light decay?
Mmm, now there's a thought.
Does it matter their different rate?
matter and anti-matter they do you know.
Since the big bang oh what a show.
If they didn't you wouldn't exist!
Now there's a reason to get pissed!
Yes let's celebrate and tolerate
Don't deviate and at Mass debate
Close your mouth when you chew on Christ
Hey! That's masticate!
So? To deviate?
Would it cause Him to cause your fate!??
Mmm, well I aint no conscious pilot
or am I?

The Chaos of our Existence

If we all knew
that an intelligence
from the chaos of then
a time on the bend
a pain not felt
a smell not smelled
an unfound sound
a taste too profound
and a light to provide
all that would be found
would you believe
the grave would
us all to the ground
for the six sense to be
atto, drunk on the ground.


I want God's computer
He told us a great lie
it was within SIN_AI
and followed on
from a son
well then hide amongst your skeleton shelves
because on Christ you should dwell
atheist - theist
it matters not
when we all know
a man went to the knot
stating HE IS of God
and still we share the same blood
both philosophies
are left to dwell
on what it is to
fathom it out
all I can say is
go deeper
fathom some more
because the truth
neither you nor eye should


sell your self
sell your soul
lose your self
be limp
a corporate imp
find a job
pound for a dollar
twat with a collar
label a slob
a paid slave
a share to shave
you when you're done
the pretentious fun
in your spare time
you'll come undone
and along the way
you should reap the hay
hey hey it's Joe!
does he give a fuck

A man's best friend?

We're all stuck
in a bitches trip
too scared to step
in case we slip
who is the reaper
that reaps our souls
grandfather time
with worn out soles
look on the bright side
it's suicide
test me test it
take the trip
you hypocrite
you want to know
so have a go
analyse your mind
as it tests you
two and fro
see a therapist
of your mind
knowing little
and far more blind
as you know more
the six hundred
three score
and six more
you ate from the tree
did cock your leg and pee
took the piss out of
our God
knowing a man's best friend
is a doG
so here now
here is the key
who is a sinner's
worst enemy?

Carpenter's Wooden Son

A man spawned from a womb
already marked as his tomb
To spend a life with men
Real men he chose
Those of simple means
The average of averages
Far from savages
those that raped the land
He chose the reapers...
To discard them the hand
held by the devil
And they grew to know Him
To stand not over,
but to understand.
They were his disciples
Worthy men of em.path.y
Worthy men of of his path Y?
My path perhaps
In the second millennia
where man thinks
It is all just His.story
They are wrong.
Today, tomorrow
are aeons in the making,
so have faith.
The future is at hand,
both in man and united with
the womb of woman.

Knows Nose

My talk is chalk
upon a blackboard
at a point in time
it pulls a chord
then some chief
becomes the thief
and wipes away
what I had to say
but what I said
it did embed
within your mind
so now you're mine
as if I taught
I can pull your thought
with danger it's fraught?
who nose?
Sniff out the Truth!

An A Gram of Pantheism

A Pen Smith
Anti Hemps
Ha Men Spit
Ha Temp Sin
Me In Paths
Am The Snip
Am The Spin
Am Ship Net
He Spit Man
He Tips Man
Man He Pits
Amp The Sin
Pa Sent Him
Sap Them In

We Are Made Of Stars

...some of us are Stars
...some of us are ratS
...some of us gaze up and wonder.
...some of us look down and wander.
...but for the topic
...definitely atomic


Why is a star when reversed rats
and can love be so evol
You cry and wonder why
and yet aspire to a steeple
This thing that is of us
a thing which you must trust
A love beyond thine eye
more profound than your or I.

Media Mediocrity

Under this star
I cool
natures no fool
now I exist
light my fix
you my thought
whom I fought
perhaps to think
am I
I am
I think
perhaps knot
tied taught
skip not?
to think
you a friend
a trend?
force fed
a blend
of media
a mass
of piracy
in the eyes
of lies..
a lot of mediaocracy
a fill of hypocrisy
a fill of need
a fill to bleed
the Truth that is
far beyond this bliss

FAITH or DOUBT? De.side

If I'm a star and I start to start
Rumour has it, a star is art
Hence who arts in heaven
heave.n to heave
My fair share I shall not leave.
Show me your compass at heaven's gate
You should say Atto! You're rather late!
Come come now, you did pass.
Do I want in?
Well the alternative's a bin.
Sage says 'yes' as I write
Well look at me, the end of a fight?
Is that it, no more torment?
The tour was meant?
A tournament?
Should I lament
the Test.amen.T?
As I take my piss
Out of silly doctrine
Muzzle a Muslim
Wish for a Jew
Crew See Fiction
Ha Ha!
Time will emiT
As does a staR
Perhaps I'm the rat
The curse
The anti
The c**t
Tis He.

The Hue of Christ

I like my interface
entwining with
the energy is cool
it's sensed not seen
I am now but a fish in sea
swimming the light
riding the data
did I say that before
dimension it at all?
Come, come swim
with me
Andrew Seas
into the light
for which I did fight
for reason and Truth
many times uncouth
so what do I care
to this logic
With short of sight thought
it's your logic
that is fraught
with, can it be?
Was this life
our destiny?
In this S_pace
the light has pace
Was our God's life
worth a roll of the dice
for what He did, and His
Are we worth_Y?

FRIEND TODAY (cyberpunk)

In this bar
I sit, I sip
I am an outsider here
I have no scar
camouflaged I am
sitting as they
sitting and sipping
avoiding the fray
I've some load to move
a chip embedded
last runs hack
I was the jack
where's my fence
the smoke is dense
I feel intense
switch to the implant
release the endorphins
heart rate recoils
now I'm back
another sip
warm smooth whiskey
wise key
double me, his_key
rolls down
its charm
as a fool
takes a hold,
he grabs my arm
switch blade
flicks out
pressed to his throat
his identity revealed
was his only hope
sit down friend
is what I say
you are mine
but only today.

TURBO GIRL (cyberpunk)

She's small
street smart
like at times
she's turbo
make any man
a fool
leave him standing
tranced at the lights
she's down the street
separating the fights
her eyes are driven
green at times
slicked back and silver
her dress thin lines
I had her once
upon an unfortunate
made me quiver
lose my mind
chipped set
and smaller
and meaner


Snorting cyphered bits
encrypted knows dive
ride with me
sus me,
as Je sus IT
The pI in the sky?
Pi Seas
The final zodiac
riding the light
revealing the truth
the ultimate system
the ultimate clue?
If I sus the system
crack the code
reveal the Truth
move some load
see it as I c
logic is my T
the English LANguage
is more of a GAUGE
a LAN perhaps
I'll reveal its traps
part_Y? Y_trap?
U like to party?
go ahead
life is cheap
leap some time
have a s.leep
the S is sin
wave that is
good buy
and die
what is Y
and what is U
U O Y?
Embedded we are
evolved of IT
derived, convoluted
suckled from tit
If I could speak of
this 'system'
as it were
and answer a
white noise
a blur
that's where IT
came from
I'm on my knees
I am its spawn
I am in awe
that from chaos
I was formed
sorry for hating
sorry for scorn.


Brought up through travesty
hurt upon and beyond its majesty
thrown upon the hands of time
love seems too sublime
should I continue and have faith
to turn upon its lathe
to be formed incomplete
and thrown a dance of deceit
why upon me
don't they see
I'm complete


A star
from afar
or so close
this one I boast
does power my car
I run afar
places never guilt
now it's coated in silt
aeons of fury
nature my judge and jury
but I feel so fine
it's running all the time
to take me nowhere
why should I care
no one ever does
what's all the fuss?
fuck it any way
the Earth can suck it all day
an aeon of energy
stored up and exhaled
in a spliff of a century
someone said to me
take your foot off the peddle
with the balance you've meddled
but we say back
fuck nature, fuck that
fuck everything we're a new breed
I'm human I need
oh planet?
we never planned it!



Our star drives the water
across thee
salted no more
sucked from the sea
washed over lands
cleaned to replenish me
I stand in wonder
gaze across fields of green
yet I stand unfound
subtle as a tree
I breathe its air
I feed its sea
Like you
I'm nothing but pleased
Feel me?
Do you?
A soul is?

The Last Judgement of Entropy
(to ALL the rapist, murdering, paedophile scum)

Gaze upon,
this listless,
whose ripples,
form a sin wave.
Owe Son!
Where to which,
to wave and gaze,
about to confirm,
life's grandest,
As I am Peter,
and here upon,
you are judged,
from whence it,
No place for blame,
no time to B_lame.
a lesser place,
not for you,
and your,
You weathered,
the storm,
but whether or not,
your maker's mark,
and all your tales,
of life and throng,
too much to tell?
Yet Peter shall,
heal and,
he'll put upon,
you a bone,
a memory that,
never fails.
Your tell tale sign,
of which,
To grow a tail,
for your,
life's wrong.
No longer wo/man,
so suck off,
you, ewe and yew!
Eat from the tree,
after sin,
and lose,
your soul,
to another's kin.
Once could,
have been in,
our Lord's kin,
but now you're,
just another,
beast below.
Yes you'll bellow,
on judgement of,
being energy,
to entropy.
Too late for sorry...
Bark up the Tree of Know_Ledge,
Leave SAP!

CJ Dennis CJ Dennis

Adelaide University Writing Club, writing prompt:

You walk into a bookshop and when you take a book from a shelf a ghost appears..

Laura, Two divided by Three

Past quaint shops,
I wandered home,
late at night,
at chess dethroned.
Something caught my eye,
there was...light.
A candle flickered,
beside a knight.
So I pushed the door,
and entered inside.
An old man asleep,
awoke in fright.
Fear leapt into his eyes,
it seemed,
glazed over,
the eyes now beamed.
"Pick a book!",
shrieked the man,
"..but make it quick,
this eternal plan!"
I looked around,
well I guess, they're
The dust so thick,
disguised their look.
"Pick a book,
pick it now!",
shrieked the man,
beneath a frown.
"I'm heading home,
all in time."
"Then head there quick,
or else,
you'll die.
Pick a book, you must now!"
I looked around.
"From which side should I pick?"
A Grandfather clock,
began to tick.
My heartbeat seemed,
in sync with it.
The old man said,
"Be clock-wise and think,
are we down-under,
after all,
or is it those 'up-top',
that have been fooled?"
I began to quiz,
to fathom it out,
is to think of the East.
"Clock-wise, we are up top,"
is what I said.
To which he replied,
"Then go there instead."
The East side of the shop,
is where I looked,
and from a shelf,
I picked a book.
C.J. Dennis,
was in my hand,
The Chase of Ages,
and here I stand.
I opened a page.
The clock stopped,
and the man shrieked,
"Get out of here,
the time is weak!"
I turned to my right,
but quickly I left,
for stood there behind me,
was beyond my breath.
I crossed the street,
and across the grass,
C.J. Dennis,
came to life,
from brass.
"I can slow that ghost,
my friend,
but Baphomet,
will come to life,
in the end.
You must strike him,
and stand your ground,
upon the threshold,
of your own house.
Take this sword,
Excalibur, it is,
now my word,
its calibre denied!"
"Then I shall kill him,
and restore the Templar,
As I took the sword,
I remembered my past life,
that evil Pope,
and all his lies.
"Don't forget the,
Song of Rain,
that the A.I.
and entropy,
art to blame!
Now run,
my friend and,
don't hesitate,
or else we are doomed,
our final fate.
This ghost of Baphomet,
it will follow you home,
and upon the threshold,
of your throne,
turn and strike that lethal blow."
"OK. Clarrie", is all I said,
to this gentle man of word,
now dead?
I swung my sword,
kill him now,
is what I thought.
But indeed,
I could not!
For Baphomet was air,
just the essence,
of a visual plot!
Come on darling,
answer the phone,
open the door,
the threshold,
the throne.
I ran,
I ran,
upon my soles,
chased by the one,
king of arseholes.
The answer came,
the sweet voice,
leapt out,
leaving no doubt,
The plan was set,
for she had dreamt,
it all about.
I felt to shout,
there is no doubt!
there is no doubt!
from which of that,
you are out!"


It will slice that fence,
for its metal,
is not so dense.
I took a shortcut,
my breath so thin,
I sliced a cut,
through the,
corrugated skin.
I pushed, and,
split that fence,
right through.
It was tight of fit,
as I stumbled,
upon dew.
Now I could hear,
Baphomet's breath,
it was turning to beast,
of animal flesh.
I got back to my feet,
how shall,
or shalt not,
slay this infernal,
I ran again,
I ran,
I ran,
My heart,
held out,
for this final,
Of which I knew,
of nothing more,
than to get,
to that bloody door!
I jumped the gate,
oh I hate that gate,
for from,
the tree of knowledge,
I had ate.
As I got to the porch,
and there she stood,
the most beautiful lady,
ever overlooked.
"Hand me the sword,"
is what she said,
her two soles,
upon the threshold,
This final plan,
it must be hers,
for C.J. Dennis,
knew of this curse.
I held the blade,
and upon her grasp,
she thrust Excalibur,
deep into my heart.
I fell to my knees,
and then to the floor.
I saw her tears,
whilst stood at the door.
I cried out...Christie!
Oh, why?
For long and deep,
I did strive.
There was not a word,
spoken from her.
But I knew,
deep inside,
for what she saw,
and short of sight.
I rolled my head,
as I died,
to see Baphomet,
his usual delight.
I turned to my side,
as I awoke,
in bed and all alone,
and there I chocked.
It was just another,
dream and again,
I'm all alone.
Still alive,
but just,
an ordinary bloke.